University of Kashmir Deptt of Botany Advertisement Notice 2024.
PG Department of Botany, University of Kashmir, Srinagar
Advertisement Notice
Applications complete in all respects are invited for one position each of Research Asscolate-1 (RA-1), & Field Assistant (FA) in the DBT sponsored time bound research project entitled “Development of genomic resources, elite lines and germplasm conservation on high density rootstocks in apple” sanctioned by the Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India by or before 20.11.2024.
Note: The detailed advertisement and eligibility criteria can be seen on the University website
No: F. (DBT.Proj. Genome Res. Apple)/KU Date: 05.11.2024
Sd. Principal Investigator [email protected]
Mobile: 9419095088
University of Kashmir Deptt of Botany Advertisement Notice 2024