Post a Job Ad

T&C:- Before submitting the ad details, please verify your details as we prefer quality over quantity:
– Job ads are published FREE OF COST if submitted by the employer/organization/employee directly. Job ads submitted by third parties (consultancies, sister concerns, etc.) are charged at 500 INR/ad.
– Any edit/update request after submission shall be charged at Rs. 100 per edit request.
– Any job ad with less than 25 words of Job Description shall not be guaranteed to be posted on our website.
– We do not post anonymous (without company name & address) job ads.
– Jobs once published, can not be published again within 10 days from the date of publish, nor can be removed per se. Any request to republish the same ad within 10 days or to delete the ad shall be chargeable (Rs. 200 per request).

Please submit your job ad details (1. Job title, 2. Job description, 2. location/district, 3. Salary, 4. Company/Organization name, and 5. Official email address are mandatory fields) on [email protected]. The subject line must include Job Title and Company/Organization name.

Kindly submit one ad per email. Multiple ad requests in one email shall be rejected.

Your ad will be posted on the website after due review by admin. In case urgent review is required, kindly leave a message on telegram handle (@jehlum).