UNIVERSITY OF KASHMIR Department of Management Studies Advertisement Notice 2022.
Department of Management Studies
South Campus, Anantnag J&K
(NAAC Acredited Grade-A+)
Dated: 07/10/2022
Advertisement Notice
Applications on plain paper are invited from hardworking candidates for flling up of the
following posts under ICMR sponsored research project titled:”Role of Social Determinants in
Promoting Health Outcomes among Rural Communities of Jammu and Kashmir: A Study for
Crafting Integration Strategies for Health and Community Partnership”
Post Name
Vacancy Qualification
Masters in Social
Science orallied subjects
14 months Rs 31,000/month
of pay in 2nd Year
Research Assistant (02
Application Process: Application along with updated resume should be e-mailed to irfana.
icm/[email protected] by or before 12th October, 2022.In case of large applicants, Plwill ave|
discretion (non-justifable) to call applicants having higher qualification/experience only for
the interview. Principal Investigator. Dr. Ifana Rashid, Department of Management Studies,
South Campus (University of Kashrmi).
Dr.Irfana Rashid
Principal Investigator
DIPK-NB-4277-22 Dated;-07-10-2022
UNIVERSITY OF KASHMIR Department of Management Studies Advertisement Notice 2022
UNIVERSITY OF KASHMIR Department of Management Studies Advertisement Notice 2022
UNIVERSITY OF KASHMIR Department of Management Studies Advertisement Notice 2022
UNIVERSITY OF KASHMIR Department of Management Studies Advertisement Notice 2022