Frequently asked questions


Job Seekers/Applicants:

Q1: Does Jehlum provide jobs?

A: No, we only post job notifications advertised by different companies across J&K.

Q2: Then what is the best way to stay updated with the latest job/scholarship opportunities?

A: Join our telegram channel if you want to receive daily job/scholarship updates on your phone, or follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn to stay updated with the daily job/scholarship updates we post.

Q3: Does Jehlum take responsibility for verifying how authentic a company/job is?

A: No, We only post job ads on behalf of companies. Candidates are liable to verify the legitimacy of an employer/job themselves.

Q4: Are the scholarship/classified ads verified by Jehlum?

A: No, we only try to verify if the ad is not submitted by a bot and if all the contact details are provided for candidates to revert.

Q5: I have applied for a job posted on Jehlum website but I didn’t receive any reply, whom should I contact?

A: Contact the employer on the contact information provided in the job ad. We, at Jehlum, only post jobs on behalf of employers, we do not take any responsibility regarding the shortlisting of applicants by employers.

Q6: I cannot find a contact number (whatsapp number) of the employer to contact on, where can I get it from?

A: We post whatever information we have available about the employers’ contact information. If you need further information, try searching for the employer on Google or visit their office.

Q7: My question is not listed here, where can I ask my question?

A: you can send your questions to [email protected]



Q1: I am an employer, how do I post a job ad on Jehlum?

A: Please visit to submit the details. Your ad shall be reviewed by the admin and posted on our website after due approval.

Q2: Does Jehlum charge for posting job ads?

A: No. Posting Ads (classifieds and jobs located in Jammu & Kashmir) by employers directly is free of cost. We only charge consultants & for business promotion advertisements.

Q3: How much does Jehlum charge for business promo ads?

A: Kindly contact our admin at [email protected] for such queries.

Q4: My question is not listed here, where can I ask my question?

A: you can send your questions to [email protected]