Council of Scientific and Industrial Research CSIR RAB Scientists Recruitment Advertisement No CSIR-RAB/01/2025.
Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
(CSIR Complex, Library Avenue, New Delhi-110 012)
Advertisement No. CSIR-RAB/01/2025 Dated 01-01-2025
Starting Date for Submission of Online Application: 17-02-2025 at 10:00 AM onwards
Last Date for receipt/submission of Online Application: 22-03-2025 at 11.59 PM
A unique opportunity for Research/S&T Management careers in Science & Technology
Applications are invited from enthusiastic, young Indian researchers having excellent academic record and proven scientific achievements with requisite experience and a high degree of motivation and desire to take up Research/S&T Management as a career to fill up the vacancy of following posts of Scientists as per the details given below
No. of Posts & Reservation
Pay Level (As per 7th CPC)
Total Emoluments (As per 7th CPC)
Upper Age Limit not exceeding (as on the last date of submission of online application as mentioned in the advt.)
Total No. of Posts 11 UR-05 EWS-OF OBC(NCL) 02 SC-01 ST-01 Out of the above 11 Posts one Post as reserved for PWBD(HH)
Rs. 132/500-approx Inclusive of Basic Pay, DA, HRA TA sto
32 ya
Total Emoluments means approximate total emolumenta on minimum of Pay Level inclusive of Basic Pay, Dearness Allowance (DA), House Rent Allowance (HRA),
Transport Allowance (TA) etc. in Class City Please see age relaxation under Relaxation column.
Abbreviations used: UR-Unreserved, SC-Scheduled Caste, ST-Scheduled Tribe, OBC(NCL) – Other Backward Class (Non-Creamy Layer), EWS (Economically Weaker Section), PwBD(HH)-Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (Hearing Handicapped).
Description of Posts advertised:
Post, Post Code & Category Scientist Post Code-s SC
Essential Qualification
Desirable Qualification andior Desirable Experience
Job requirements/specification
Tech in Electrical Electronics/ Instrumentalion Engineering or equivalent wis Post Graduate degree in Intellectual Property Law (1st class or 60% on an aggregate or equivalent GPA) OR MEM Tech in Electrical Electronics/ Instrumentation Engineereg or equivalent OR
Patent Searches Patent Analysis/ Patent Experience in Intellectual Property Lief drafting/Market data analysis/ Market inteligence
technically feasible R&D Patent Sopport to GSIR by faclitating fingar Market positioning of pro ducts/Technologies/Patents and poor Art Analysis
Ph.D (Engg) Submitted in Electrical/Electronics/instrumentation Engineering or equivalent
Scientist Post Codn-2 (Total-2 posts) UR
S Scientist Post Code-3 OBC (NCL)
Scientist Post Code-4 OBC (NCL)
Scientist Post Code-5 UR
Scientist Post Code-UR
Scientist Post Code-7 EWS
Scientist Post Code-8 ST
Scientist Post Code-UR
ME/M.Tech in information Technology/Information and Comm nications Technology/ Computer Science or equivalent OR Ph.D. (Science Engineering) Submitted in Information and Communications Technology) Technology/Computer Science or equivalent
ME/M.Tech in intonation Technology information and Commu nications Technology Computer Science or equivalent OR PhD Science/Engineering) Submitad in information and Commu nications Technology/Computer Science or equivalent.
B.Tech in Chemical Engineering! M.Sc. in Chemical Sciences or eduivalent with Post Graduate degree in intellectual Property Law (1st class or 60% on an aggregate or equivalent GPA) OR ME/M.Tech in Chemical Engineering/Chemical Sciences or equivalent OR
D(Science Engineering) Submitted in Chemical Engineering Chemical Sciences of equivalent
Tech in Chemical Engineering/ MSc in Chemical Sciences or equivalent with Post Graduate degree in imellectual Property
Law (1st class of 20% on an aggregate or equivalent GPA) OR MEM Tech Chemical Engineering ing Chemical Sciences or equivalent OR
Ph.D (Science Engineering) liubmitted in Chemical Engineering Chemical Sciences or equivalent
Tech in Mechanical Engineering or equivalent with Post Graduate degree in intellectual Property Law 1st class or 60% on an aggregate or equivalent GRA) OR
MEM Tech in Mechanical Engineering or equivalent OR Ph.D (Engg submitted in Mechanical Engineering or equivalent
Ph.D. submitted in any field of Sciencer Engineering
Ph.D. (Science) satimitted in Life Sciences or equivalent
Ph.D. (Science) submitted in Life Sciences or equivalent
Systeist and Network Administra tan/Maintenance of network servers Development and updationi of websulel VN gateways, e-mail facilities and ruloted infrastructure Software Development, Database Management, Ensuring Cyber Gecunty and implementation of GO! policies & guidelines. mining Setting and managing all COIR TKOL wen applications and Software development and data servers et various scations
Experience in Software Application/Development System Adminstration and Computer Networking Experience in GOt policies/guidelines in ICT areas such as infrinstructure, application development, security
Experience in HTML Linux Unix environ ments/javaljavelicnot/Angular JS/Spring & Hibemate frameworks/Postgres databaser CSS/IDEs such as Eclipse/SQL/Code versioning tools
Research or Industry Experience at National International Establishments in the related area of Essential Qualification as evidenced by SC publications Patents
Experience in project plenting and management, RSD management etc
Experience in development/deployment of chemical sectinologies Experience in Handing Project/Technology mevelopment and management in the area of Chemical Technologies/ Chemical Scences
R&D Management. Project Pla iming Monitoring and Execution related to technology networking and business development inclu ding public-private-partnership mode
RSD Management related to tech nology development, networking with Industries/ Ministries/ NGOM SHCs. Technology Commemial zation/ Deployment
Experience in Intellectual Property Law Patent Searches Patent Analysis/Patent drating Mariat data analysis/Market intelligence
Post Graduate Diploma in Human Research Management (HRM) D Management or equivalent from recognized institution Experience in Capacity Need Analys Development of Training Programs/Modules Content creation on Multimedia
Research Experience in Life Science and/or B&T management/Science policy and administration
Research experience in Life Sciences as evidenced from scientific publications Experience in &&T management/policy! administration
IP Examvnation, Protection and Management, Analyze invention denlosures, counseling and diecussion with inventors, poor art searching and its evaluation, drafting, thing, prosecution of patent applications Capacity Need Analysis of the organization, identify the capacity gaps, design and execution of suitacle capocity building programm
Project Review & Montoring, pre paration of reports and coordination of scientific activites in the field Handie information w.rt fellow ships/research schemes and prepare reports required for the decision making by research convivitees
Science Administration and Mana-gement, Handling of Scientific Fecruitment and Assessment Processes Coordination with intra organizations/ Experts, Review and Evaluation of scientific reports.
CSIR RAB Scientists Recruitment Advertisement No CSIR-RAB/01/2025
CSIR RAB Scientists Recruitment Advertisement No CSIR-RAB/01/2025
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CSIR RAB Scientists Recruitment Advertisement No CSIR-RAB/01/2025
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CSIR RAB Scientists Recruitment Advertisement No CSIR-RAB/01/2025
CSIR RAB Scientists Recruitment Advertisement No CSIR-RAB/01/2025
CSIR RAB Scientists Recruitment Advertisement No CSIR-RAB/01/2025
CSIR RAB Scientists Recruitment Advertisement No CSIR-RAB/01/2025
CSIR RAB Scientists Recruitment Advertisement No CSIR-RAB/01/2025
CSIR RAB Scientists Recruitment Advertisement No CSIR-RAB/01/2025
CSIR RAB Scientists Recruitment Advertisement No CSIR-RAB/01/2025
CSIR RAB Scientists Recruitment Advertisement No CSIR-RAB/01/2025
CSIR RAB Scientists Recruitment Advertisement No CSIR-RAB/01/2025
CSIR RAB Scientists Recruitment Advertisement No CSIR-RAB/01/2025
CSIR RAB Scientists Recruitment Advertisement No CSIR-RAB/01/2025