NTPC Limited Recruitment Advt No 05/25.
एनटीपीसी NTPC
NTPC Limited is India’s largest integrated India’s largest integrated power company with installed capacity of 77393 MW and has presence in the entire value chain of the power generation business Commensurate with our country’s growth challenges, NTPC has embarked upon an ambitious pilen to attain a total installed capacity of 130 GWay2032
NTPC Limited
(A Govt. of India Enterprise)
NTPC Bhawan, SCOPE Complex, 7, Institutional Area, Lodi Road, New Delhi-110003, Website: https://www.ntpc.co.in
CIN: L40101DL1975G01007966
Advt. No. 05/25
NTPC is looking for experienced professionals Finance on fixed term basiss per details given below:
1. Name of the Post: Executive (Finance CA/CMA-Inter), 60 Posts
Qualification Requirement: Graduate from a reong-ted univerityinstitution and CA/CMAintenmediate
Experience Requirement: Mirimum 02 yan post qualification experienc (excluding articleship) in the ansa of Finance/Accounts
Upper Age Limit: 30 years
Remuneration: Monthly consolidated amount of Rs.71000/-, Additionally, HRA, Retention benefit and medical facility for self, spouse, two children and dependent parents
II. Name of the Post: Executive (Finance CA/CMA-B), 20 Posts
Qusification Requirement: Oraduate from a recognized university/institution and fully qualified CAICMA
Experience Requirement: Mirimum 02 years’ post qualification experience (excluding articleship period) in the area of Finance/Accounts
Upper Age Limit: 35 years
Remuneration: Monthly consolidated amount of Rs. 90000, Additionally, HRA, Retention beneft and medical facitty for self, spouse, two children and dependend parents
III. Name of the Post: Executive (Finance CA/CMA-A), 10 Posts
Qualification: Graduate from a recognized universityinstitution and fully CA/CMA
Experience Requirement: Mirimum 05 years post qualifiction experience fexcluding articleship penod) in the area of Finance/Accounts
Upper Age Limit: 40 years
Remuneration: Monthly consolidated amount of s. 125000 Additionally, HRA Retention benefit and medical faciaty for surf, scouse, sets children and dependent 8.
Note-The Note- candidates andidates sho should necessarily upload all documents while applying. Applications with incomplete/insufficient documents are liable to be rejected/not considered for further process.
1. Only Indian Nationais are eligible to apply.
All numifications should be from Universities/institutions recognized and
approved in india,
All compitions of age/experience requirement/qualification shall be done wr.t the sast date of receipt of online application as mentioned in the advertisement. The date of declaration of resuitiissuance of Mark sheet shall be deemed to be date of acquiring the qualification and there shall be nisexation on this account. Post qualification experience on a post level shall only be counted from the said date onant
Candidates claiming to belong to any particular category shalin ategory shall necessanly submit a copy of EWS OBC/SC/ST/PwBD certificate,p PwBD cortificate, as the case may be, from a Competent Authority. Where there is vacancy identified for such category, upper age limit in seinand by 5 years for SC/ST candidates, by 3 years for OBC candidates, by 10 years for PwBO candidates. Relaxation of age to Ex-Serviceman as per Govt guidelines, In case of post mentioned at S.No. 0, tal required experience will be resicxed by 01 year for SC category
Sin order to restrict the number of candidates to be called for an interview, if so required, the Management reserves the eight to conduct multistage screening process comprising of application shortlisting/screening (based on qualification, experience atc.) wilttericomputer based test, intervalw ats or to raise the minimum eligibility standards criteria, as per requirement, Candidates are required to indicate their choice for test centres at the time of criline application.
NTPC serves the right to change the test centres depending upon the sponss/feasibility.
6. Depending on the requirement, the Company reserves the night to cancel restrict/surtail/enlarge the number of vacancies, i need so ames, without any further noticitant without assigning any reason the af
7. Posting shall be at any of the Stations/Projects/JVW Subsidianes of NTPC. All posts are transferable at the sole discretion of the Macagentent
While applying for the post, the applicant should ensure that he/she fulfills the eligibility and other norms mentioned above, as on the specified dates and that the particulars fumished are correct in all respects in case it is detected at any stage of recruitment that a candidate does not to the eligiblity norms and/or that he/she has fumished any incomect/false med any incomect/false information or has suppressed any material factis), his/her candidature will stand automatically cancelied.
If any of the above shortcoming(s) in are detected an after appointment his/her services are llable to be terminated without any ontice. Carvassing in any form shall disqualify the candidate
St. Name of the Post
No. of
Executive Finance CA/CMAI) 50 22
13 GF 03
Executive Finance CA/CMA-B)
20 10 01
Exoculive Finance CA/CMA-A)
10 06 01
02 01
Reservation for Pwill candidates will be as per Govt, guidelines
The total number of projected vacancies indicated above may increase/ decrease ist The discretion of NTPC management
Common for all the above posts
(1) Tenure of Engagement-3 years can be further extended for 2 years based upon requermentiperformance
(II) Identified type of disabilities: B LVbID, HHC)GA BAL OL, BL, DAL, BLOA
BLA,LC, DW, AAV d) MD involving (alto (c) above
(R) HEALTH: Before joining, candidates will have to undergo medical examination by the NTPC Medical Boars Officer, and their decision will be final and binding No relaxation in prescribed health standarts is allowed. Detalled medical norms are available on the website careers.ntpc.co.in. Hence, all applicants are
advised to go through the medical noms before applying
Uploading of Documenta
All the candidates have to upload the following documents while applying
Class Xpassing certificale Marksheet for Name and DOB proof
Aadhar Candant PAN Card
Graduation Provisional/Final Degree (as applicable) along with all marksheets
Final/Intermediate Certificate of CA/CMA (es applicable) along with all
Caste/Disability certificate (For SC/ST/OBC-NCL/PwBD/EWS candidates) as applicable. OBC-NCL certificate should be cantral format for the cument financial year (FY 2024-25)
EWS candidates need to submit current year Income & Asset Income & Asset certificate in the the prescribed format Le the certificate should be valid for FV 2024-25 based on the income of FY 2023-24
Daability certificates should be as per the latest prescribed central Govt. Format generated online through the Swavalamban/UDID portal (clearly indicating the type and percentage of disability) in line with the identified disability for the ports as mentioned in this advertisement.
Documents in support of your post qualification experience (excluding articleship period) Relieving Letter from coment employer (if applicable) Experience Service certificate (sample available on our webelle) indicating nature of experience, offer letter, appointment letter, conferrustion letteriorder on completion of training/internship (if any), promotion order/s, 02 pay slips per year to substantiate the tenure.
All experience documents should be uploaded in chronological order
The mere fact that a candidate nas submitted application against the advertisement and apparently fulfilling the criteria as prescribed in the advertisernent would not bestow on handier the right to be definitely called for Interview/considered further for selection process.
10. Any proceedings in respect of any mener of claim or dispute arising out of this advertisement and/or an application in response thereto can be instituted only in Dells and courts/tribunalsforume at Delhi only shall have sole and exclusive jurisdiction to try any such cause/clspute
11. In case any ambiguity/disputs arises on account of interpretation in versiona other than English. the English Version wifi prevall
interested candidates should log on to our website https://careers.ntpc.co.in or visit careers section at https://www.ntpc.co.in for applying. Noother means/ mode of application shall be accepted. Candidates are required to possess a valid email ID. NTPC will not be responsible for bouncing back of any email sent to the candidates.
Candidate belonging to General/EWS/OBC category are required to pay a non-refundable application fee of Rs. 300/ The SC/ST/PWBO/XSM category & female candidates need not pay the application fee
Payment in offline mode: State Bank of India has been authorized to collect the application fee, in a specially opened account (A/C No. 30907919993) at CAG branch, New Delhi (Code: 09996), on behalf of NTPC Candidute has to approach the nearby Sll branch with a printout of the past which avaliable on the application portal. The pey-in-slip printed from the portal should only be used for depositing the fee for pro proper creditling of amount in the allocated account.
On receg of the money, the bank will issue a unique Joumal Number and a Branch Code of the bank collecting the money. This joumal number and the branch code to be filed up by the candidate during online application. NTPC will not be responsible case candidate deposits the fee in wrong account.
Payment in online mode: de: Candidates also have the option to pay the tees online Ohissugh Net banking/Debit Card/Credit Card) The online payment option will be available in the online application form
Fee once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances. Candidates are therefore fore requested to verify their allgibility criteris before paying the application See After applying online, candidate is required to download the application slip generated by the system with unique application number.
Copy of application slip may be retained by the candidate for future reference. No document is required to be sent to us by post
It is mandatory that eligible candidates go through the full text of the advertisement and agree to all the conditions given, while applying for the post. Any further addendum/corrigendum/updates will only be published on our website
Commencement of online application: 05.03.2025
Last date for online: 19.03.2025
Leading the Power Sector
EN 50/59
NTPC Limited Recruitment Advt No 05/25
NTPC Limited Recruitment Advt No 05/25
NTPC Limited Recruitment Advt No 05/25
NTPC Limited Recruitment Advt No 05/25
NTPC Limited Recruitment Advt No 05/25
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NTPC Limited Recruitment Advt No 05/25
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NTPC Limited Recruitment Advt No 05/25
NTPC Limited Recruitment Advt No 05/25
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NTPC Limited Recruitment Advt No 05/25
NTPC Limited Recruitment Advt No 05/25
NTPC Limited Recruitment Advt No 05/25
NTPC Limited Recruitment Advt No 05/25
NTPC Limited Recruitment Advt No 05/25
NTPC Limited Recruitment Advt No 05/25
NTPC Limited Recruitment Advt No 05/25