SKUAST Jammu Institute of Biotechnology Guest Faculty Recruitment Advt No AUJ/IBT/24-25/F-58/5094.
Sher-e – Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences & Technology of Jammu, Chatha -180009 (J&K) Institute of Biotechnology, Main Campus Chatha, Jammu (J&K)
Requirement of Guest faculty at Institute of Biotechnology
The Institute of Biotechnology has started functioning from the academic session 2010-11 vide University order No. 73(Est.) of 2011 dated 20-10-2011 on self financing base with the admission of students in B.Tech. (Biotechnology), M.Sc. (Ag.) Molecular Biology & Biotechnology and Ph.D. (Molecular Biology & Biotechnology) courses and is facilitating research work of many UG, PG students as well as scientists.
Institute of Biotechnology is interested to engage Guest Faculty for delivering lectures in below mentioned subject during 2nd semester of academic session 2024-25.
Specialization (Master Degree & above having 55% marks)
Bioinformatics/Computational Biology
* Diploma/ Certificate course in Bioinformatics/ Computational Biology from recognized University/ Institute with MSc shall also be considered. However, first preference will be given to the students having Master’s degree in Bioinformatics/Computational Biology
#Preferably with programming knowledge of C, R and Python languages with experience in Biological Sciences.
In this regard, the interested candidates may submit their Biodata to Director, Institute of Biotechnology, SKUAST-J, Chatha upto 24-03-2025.
The biodata must contain their educational credentials alongwith other information to support their candidature. The payment per lecture shall be made as per SKUAST-J rules for engagement of Guest faculty.
No. AUJ/IBT/24-25/F-58/5094
Dated: 11-03-2025
Dt: 13-03-2025
Sd/- Director Institute of Biotechnology
SKUAST Jammu Institute of Biotechnology Guest Faculty Recruitment Advt No AUJ/IBT/24-25/F-58/5094
SKUAST Jammu Institute of Biotechnology Guest Faculty Recruitment Advt No AUJ/IBT/24-25/F-58/5094
SKUAST Jammu Institute of Biotechnology Guest Faculty Recruitment Advt No AUJ/IBT/24-25/F-58/5094
SKUAST Jammu Institute of Biotechnology Guest Faculty Recruitment Advt No AUJ/IBT/24-25/F-58/5094
SKUAST Jammu Institute of Biotechnology Guest Faculty Recruitment Advt No AUJ/IBT/24-25/F-58/5094
SKUAST Jammu Institute of Biotechnology Guest Faculty Recruitment Advt No AUJ/IBT/24-25/F-58/5094